Windycrest Sailing Club
9th Sail for ALS
Saturday September 11, 2021
This year’s regatta will honor the memory of our fallen sailor and friend Steve Snider. For the
9th year in a row the Windycrest’s charity regatta will benefit APSO, which is an organization
helping Oklahoman’s cope with a devastating disease. Our money stays right here in Green
Country, so please put your money where you heart is by giving, sailing, and volunteering for
this regatta. It’s all for all those Oklahoman’s who fight ALS every day.
Register on-line at:
Schedule - September 11th, 2021
8:00 to 11:30 – Registration/Check In
10:00 - First Start, 12:00 Last Start PYS
2:00 - End of Race, everyone Finished or
Finished in Place
2:30 - Snacks, Keg de-briefs, and trophies
to follow. Please wear a mask and practice
social distancing.
Entry Fee: Your donation will be your entry
fee. Please give what you can or what you
can afford. Remember, it’s for a great
cause. If you can not give at least sail.
Please present your donation the day of the
race, or via credit card on the APSO
Sponsors and Sponsorships
Our friends and organizations outside of
Windycrest are cordially invited to participate in
the regatta and accompanying festivities.
We can arrange the following for our Sail for
Steve sponsors:
Ride on boats sailing in the regatta.
Provide lunch for you and your crew if
you sail.
Suggested Sponsorship Levels:
__$25 __$50 __$100 __$300
__$500 __$1,000 __$2,500
APSO’s Mission: To assist with those non-medical services that would otherwise fall through the
cracks. This could include, minor home repairs, modifications for accessibility, housework, yard
work, errands, care giving assistance, ALS education, emotional and or spiritual support. Virtually
any services that volunteers or skilled labor may be able to provide. We collaborate with local
churches, civic organizations and corporate sponsors to organize and mobilize these resources.